Summer Bookends

Apologies for the ever-so-small break from the blog, it was summer time and whatnot. But its a lazy Sunday afternoon on a long weekend and I’m back in NY. It only felt natural to dust off the fingers and get the blog back up and running for the start of fall fishing!

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Craw Me Daddie

Crayfish, crawfish, crawdads, crawdaddies, mudbugs, or, as I like to call them, inland lobsters are fascinating little critters. Virtually all of us have wondered at some point in our life, “They’re obviously super cool, but what do they taste like?” Well, wonder no more. I’ve done all the heavy lifting in answering this question, if you follow these three simple steps, you’ll be able to satisfy this hunger as well.

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A Proper (and tasty) Send-off

Summer fishing is generally a brutal affair. Hot days, tired fish ignoring your lures, and the general allure of cold beer and porches with shade provide a mighty test of resolve. Which is why goal-setting and being comfortable with massive sweat stains is all the more important. And as my summer in MA winded down, I realized I had yet to accomplish one particular task – catching a trout from my beloved Pearl:

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Odds and Ends and Odd Endings

Holy carp has it been frustrating lately. I’ve been absolutely grinding to make the most of the spring and yet these dang rivers don’t want to cooperate. Nevertheless, there’s been some positives and obviously you need to remain informed. I believe I left off with me securing a delectable walleye. Well, for a short while my luck continued. Look at this guy:

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Where The Wild Things Are

One of the original things that drove me to fishing was I wanted to catch a wild brook trout. Naturally, that has literally never happened. Along the journey I’ve expanded my palate to (in my opinion) simply superior fishing options such as bass, walleye, and catfish, yet I’ve always wanted to “complete the journey” so-to-speak.  The only problem is finding wild trout is dang near impossible… until it isn’t.

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