Fall Fishing Part 1: A Familiar Foe and A New Enemy

Hand up, I should be blogging more.  The problem is I’m down to fishing once a week and, well, I’m not very good at fishing.  So I decided to wait until I had enough fishing material to make a few blogs.  See below for highlights and, naturally, zero lowlights because its my blog and I only show the good stuff.  But as a starting point, here’s a really pretty picture…

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The Dog Days are Doggone Over

I’d like to apologize for the lengthy wait, but it’s really not my fault so I’m not going to – I’m an expert at denial. Fishing in late July and August drives even the sanest of fisherman crazy. It’s 90 degrees, the sun is blazing, and all of the fish are dead asleep dreaming of cooler weather. Despite the brutal conditions, I have a quick recap of the summer and some clear evidence it’s going to be a good Fall for fishing.

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Consider This An Interlude

My profuse apologies for yet another lengthy wait, I’ve been a bit busy working on a “Third Year Paper” that, if it isn’t “good enough”, you get “kicked out”.  So the past two months have been really easy and breezy (I spend most of my time pacing my apartment and muttering “I’m OK”)….BUT, I have scrounged up a few moments to fish…

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Heeeere Kitty, Kitty

You’re probably thinking, “What the hell was that title?” Well don’t worry, I told you I had a surprise planned in my previous blog and I’ve come to deliver the goods (after several weeks of failing miserably). That’s right, I caught a catfish! But in order to do so, I had to cross to the Dark Side…

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