Apologies for the ever-so-small break from the blog, it was summer time and whatnot. But its a lazy Sunday afternoon on a long weekend and I’m back in NY. It only felt natural to dust off the fingers and get the blog back up and running for the start of fall fishing!
I believe I left my faithful readers (that’s a link, click it!) in the middle of the spring fishing for bass in some local NY creeks – a certifiably good time. Specifically, I had caught this absolute slab:
I figured the good times would continue! And while I was certainly trying to catch fish, there was a certain lack of actually catching the fish – a crucial component to the blog. I blame the fact the summer got hot very fast. This typically means the fish get farther away from the banks of the rivers and down to where its nice and cool (and more importantly, out of reach).
I was hoping to have better luck once I traveled back to Massachusetts, but I got a little disctracted with a few things. For example, seeing the Pacific Ocean for the first time while hiking the Santa Monica mountain range:
Or, more importantly, spending time with good friends and family who decidedly do not like to fish:
I think some people would call these distractions “good things” or “having a life” or “not being weird” – point being, it was hot out, fish weren’t biting, and I had other summer things to do with my time.
But now that I’m back in NY, all those silly things are out of my way and now I get to concentrating on what’s actually important – catching some lunkers (I jest, of course). Unfortunately, it still is too hot to catch anything too impressive (or worth eating), but there’s still the same creek I was fishing when I last wrote:
I actually reel-y like fishing these creeks. You get to use lighter gear which makes catching even little fish a good time. You’re also not going to catch some massive pike out of nowhere and have to deal with all the ensuing savagery trying to get the hook out (not fun!). And luckily on this day, I was not disappointed:
A perfect size smallie that fought like crazy. I caught it with my smallest rod right in a deep well where there’s some turbulence in the water – perfect for waiting for smaller fish to get tossed right in front of you. I was totally thrilled to catch this guy. It felt like I was properly putting the bookends on my summer:
Hopefully the weather starts to cool down (currently 84 degrees so doubtful) and I can start catching some reel fish. But if not, I’ll happily keep fishing these nice and cool creeks. It’s my last year of grad school so I don’t have anything to pressing to worry about – nothing like finding an actual job or something. Actually, now that I think about it, in order to do that all I have to do is…
Cast and pray,
Jon (obligatory photo of Bubz below)