This is Definitely a Sunfish Blog

WARNING: To be honest, if you aren’t an alpha male, this might be too much for you. Click at your own discretion.

I’m really not trying to brag when I say I’m truly elite at catching sunfish. If there are sunfish in a pond or lake, I’mma catch’em like Ash Ketchum. But I know you know how hard these fish are to catch, you tell me if this looks like a guy afraid to catch these much-sought-after game fish:

Yes I’m wearing a lacrosse shirt, I don’t like it either but it was a gift from a good friend and it’s very comfortable.

Most fisherman are afraid of these monsters of the seas; (is this how you use a semi-colon? Gordian’s knot is easier to solve than when to use one) these soy boys instead choosing to go after large bass and hard-to-find trout. I would never brag about catching a big bass. Seriously, what kind of loser would you have to be to celebrate, maybe even give a thumbs up in a picture, after catching an absolute LUNKER bass? Or perhaps, more deviously, construct an entire blog about much smaller fish so as enhance the amount of testosterone in the below picture?

OMG what a LOSER…. but dang also probably a cool guy if he caught a fish that big.

Nope, I’d never do something like that. I’d also never consider adding such a picture to my various dating profiles (PLEASE leave feedback on this idea). And unfortunately for you I’ve decided to keep writing despite achieving that exact purpose to perfection. Instead you’ll find me bringing in the type of fish that don’t care what you’re using as a lure, what location you’re in, they are just going to bite no matter what; (?) NOT because they are super stupid, but ‘cuz they are bad-butts that just don’t give a fudge (similar to honey badgers). You tell me, does it look like someone without their sharpest of senses would be able to reel in this bad boy?…:

Shoutout Larry of Wachusett.

Without further ado, I’ll introduce you to every last sunfish I’ve caught with of course more pictures of me fishing. Like I said, these pictures are chalk-full of testoroni (shout out MTV The Challenge for first introducing me to this term in some B-roll footage of the boys getting a lift in), so maybe sit down and have a cool glass of water near by. Drum roll please…



;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (that felt good)

I mean it’s simply glorious.

LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THIS FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PAY ATTENTION to ME WHILE I TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See below for virtually everyone’s reaction:

Bubz gets this look when either a) I try to snuggle with him or b) I’m taking a picture of
him from 6 inches away.

I don’t care that you don’t care, I caught a big fish and I love it (I also plan on writing a Jon’s Biggest Fish blog later this summer). Small mouth bass can get massive, like 15 lb’s massive (fish have light bones so 15 lb fish are really big). That one is probably like 3 lbs, which I still count as a lunker given it’s New England so they don’t have all year to just get fat and happy (we New Englander’s are a lean, hearty breed of folk). It’s easily the biggest fish I caught, was really hard to get on shore, and I caught it at a very local spot after only ever catching much smaller bass.

Fishing certainly isn’t all about size (get your mind out of the gutter!), see the previous post for how excited I was for catching what I thought was a small brown trout (hint: it was not a trout). For instance, I would be over the moon if I caught a brook trout and it would realistically be a tiny fish. But it’s also stupid to think it’s not impressive to reel in a big fish. They are not easy to land from the shore;(?) odds are they are strong, not happy they’ve been hooked, and know how to get off a line from experience. This guy bent the crap out of my rod and took me for a ride, it’s exhilarating and a little scary all at the same time. I’d like to say I caught this due to my alpha-ness, but in reality all I ever did was…

Cast and pray,

Jon (see below for someone wondering if bass eat people whilst posing)

That is NOT you-know-what running down my leg…from the wrong side.

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2 Replies to “This is Definitely a Sunfish Blog”

  1. You’re doing good! Keep it up!!

    (I started fishing when I was older than you. I’m pretty well prepared now, but don’t do a lot of fishing. My backpack always has my emergency fishing kit, though.)

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